Sunday, January 27, 2013

Post 1

The first thing that I'm going to discuss in regards to the Politics of Immigration will aptly fit the title of this blog. This will not be a rant about any particular stance of immigration: those views may come clear down the road.

Instead, this will discuss the politics of the matter. The first story that I found relating to immigration was found on Yahoo!. (

The news article discusses how undocumented workers will be allowed to receive driver's licenses starting in October in Illinois. It passed with surprising bipartisanship, yet there are still opponents of the bill.

The main argument for the bill is that it will force illegal immigrants to purchase insurance and will also weed out drivers that cannot pass the written and behind-the-wheel tests. On the contrary however is that fraud could become more prevalent because finger-printing will not be required (because few illegal immigrants would consent to fingerprints). Many states have case-studies that prove that fraud will increase.

So how did this get passed if it is basically understood that fraud will increase? The championing of immigrants rights, (which is an interesting statement considering their illegality) is what pushed this measure forward. It seems that all too often, politics gets in the way of common sense.

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