Key Players
Without an understanding of who the main players are, no one can honestly claim they fully understand the immigration issue. On both sides of the aisle, there are key players who's "stamp of approval/disapproval" steers the agenda. Their opinions serve as rallying forces for or against any agenda and with a tinderbox issue such as immigration, "simple statements" are anything but that.
This blog post will focus on two GOP members that are prominent in the immigration debate: Sen. Marco Rubio and Rep. Raul Labrador. Both are hispanic and their opinions in this issue are extremely important.
Sen. Marco Rubio is a senator from Florida and is the junior member of the Senate from Florida. He is cuban-American has risen to prominence when he was considered as a possible running-mate to Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential race.
His influence is important because he is hispanic and is willing to consider immigration reform and rally the GOP behind the issue. He has appeared to distance himself from the Gang of 8, indicating that his approval has yet to be fully earned. If he withdraws support, the GOP support could leave as well.
Rep. Raul Labrador is also hispanic which is beneficial for any GOP showing support or disapproval for the immigration agenda. He is a Congressman that in 2006, was elected to represent the 14th district in Idaho. He is a key player in the immigration reform agenda because he has openly stated that the GOP needs to be "open-minded" on immigration reform.
His support comes with a caveat: in order to compromise on the pathway to citizenship, the GOP needs assurances that their agendas (such as more border security) will be passed. He has stated that this is the main reason that the GOP should support immigration reform.
These are two crucial players in the immigration reform issue. Their support will determine how hard the bill is to pass in Congress (and in fact if it will pass at all). Clearly, they are key players from the GOP and will be in the news prominently as this issue heats up.